Ionic Framework for app development

Ionic framework has been in the talking for mobile application development solutions for quite a long time and has been a blessing for phonegap developers. I personally am a huge fan of Ionic framework for a lot of reasons. Lets break them down one by one.

Ionic is an open source

One of the major benefits of Ionic framework is that it is open source, free to use. A framework, so powerful, that is on top of cordova being available for free to use is a big deal. Good thing is that even though it is free, ionic has never had issues with stability.

Ionic is easy to use

Main development base of ionic is HTML, CSS and javascript which is familiar to almost all the developers. This web approach helps the developer to learn ionic easily and create UI effortlessly. One more good thing about ionic is that you simplistically have to code once and run for all mobile devices. So basically its just one programming language for all mobile Oses.

Ionic is built above Angular

Angular is one of the most powerful frameworks used today and ionic is build on top of angular. Angular by default is embedded in ionic which is great because you can also talk to angular communities in case there are issues in developing app using ionic framework. If developers is familiar with angular, then working with ionic will be a cakewalk.

Ionic has a great UI

Ionic takes care of default major design elements, follows major guidelines which means apps have a their own look & feel on the basis of platform they are running. There are many elements that are pre-designed fantastically well and all set to use which becomes easy for the developers to use. It is smooth and responsive too.

Few disadvantages

Ionic is not the right choice for building heavy apps like 3D or video games or big video manupulations. There are not plugins available readily for everything. You will have to do programming to build something specific. Ionic is difficult to use when your code is heavily dependent on third party apps.

Overall, ionic is a great framework to use. Depending on your requirements, you would like to combine two or more frameworks or can even compose your own framework. If you are looking for a mobile app development company to discuss about your requirement, contact us at [email protected].

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7 Hand Exercises To Ease Arthritis Pain

Ayurveda has some remedies to help you manage your pain effectively. If you want, you can head over to Nirogam Ayurveda to browse some.

The cartilage withers away which acts as a cushion between the joints in this condition. This leads to inflammation which causes pain, and it also irritates the synovial lining. The synovial lining is responsible for synovial fluid which acts as lubrication.

Arthritis in hands can lead to stiffness, decreased range of motion, and muscle weakness. You will have a problem in picking up or carrying out your daily chores. Treatment includes oral medication to manage pain, steroid injections in joints and splints for hands. If the aforementioned methods don’t work for you, you might need to have surgery.

Hand exercises are great for relieving pain, increasing range of motion, and increasing muscle strength. Follow along to learn them and enjoy their benefits.

1. Making Fists
This is a simple exercise which can be done by the following method:

Hold out your left hand and keep your fingers straight.
Slowly bend your fingers as you make a fist with your thumb outside.
Then go to the starting position and repeat the process again.

Do 10 repetitions of this exercise with your left hand and repeat it with your right hand.

2. Finger Bends
Begin with the starting position as discussed in the first exercise and follow the steps discussed below:

Bend your thumb slowly and completely hold for a few seconds, then release it to get to the starting position.
Then bend your index finger slowly and completely towards the palm, hold it for a few seconds and release it.
Repeat the same steps with each finger, and then do it with your other hand.

3. Thumb Bend
Keep your hand in the starting position as discussed above and follow the steps given below:

Bend your thumb slowly inwards.
Then stretch it towards your pinky. Please keep all your fingers straight (including pinky) while you do so. If you can’t reach the pinky, then go as far as you can.
Hold it for 2-3 seconds.
Then release it to get back to the starting position.
Repeat the process 10 times and the same with your other hand.

4. Make an ‘O’
Come into the starting position and follow the steps:

Slowly curve your fingers until they touch the tip of the thumb, forming an ‘O’.
Hold the position for a few seconds, then come back to the starting position.
Repeat the same with your other arm.
Repeat this exercise with both arms throughout the day. You can also repeat when you feel pain in your hands.

5. Table Bend
Place your hand on a table with the thumb pointed upwards.
Hold the thumb straight, while you bend your fingers to form a ‘L’. Your finger should touch and slightly squeeze on your palm.
Hold it for a few moments, then release it to get back to the starting position.
Repeat this 10 times, and do the same with your right hand,

6. Finger Lift
Place your hand flat on a table and follow the steps mentioned below:

Lift your thumb slowly and then rest it, do the same with each finger.
Hold the fingers for two seconds, and then slowly rest it.
Do the same with each finger and with the other hand as well.
7. Wrist Stretch
The last exercises focus on the wrist. To do it, follow the steps given below:

Hold your right arm out with palm facing downwards
With your left hand, gently grab the right hand and press it down.
Hold the position for a few seconds
Repeat 10 times
Do the same with the other hand as well.